
Seeing through the customer’s eyes and designing the website interface according to the research result


Moving on to a new place is always a pain, we have to look at everything including electricity, laundry, cleaning staff, etc. We all wish that all the things come so clearly without any hidden cache, keep reading the following case study we will talk about this and get closer to the solution.

Problem Statement

We all feel confused and unsure about looking for a new place, let’s design a platform where we can find all the details in the same place. Making it for individual apartments and also uniquely designed for co-living.

Problem Understanding

We all feel the resistance to moving to a new place, although we struggle with the existing one. This is the primary issue with looking for a new home; this is always a pain. I feel there is always a hidden cache about the new place, and little or more, we all are scared of it.


Ux/Ui designer in a team of 5






Mircosoft Suite


Start: April 2023

End: July 2023





User Testing




Discover and Understand

The first step in a website design is the understanding phase. I started by studying the existing similar websites. I then identified the areas that need improvement and introduced enhanced solutions.

Competitor analysis

I installed a few competitor apps. Not only home rental apps but, also hotel booking apps and Airbnb to understand their UI and UX. I wanted to redesign the app for my project in a manner that renting a house and finding new accommodation becomes as easy as booking a hotel room. This also helped me conduct a competitive analysis and add a few more insights to my research.

The competitive analysis helped me validate my hypothesis and see what competitors are doing in the current market. In addition, data from competitive analysis and user research will help me identify user pain points and gaps in existing solutions that I may not be aware of.

Its all about accomodation and learning culture from local, not specifically for moving in.

Key features found

Promoting culture as hosted by locals;

Promoting locals to become hosts and earn money;

Povide easy access to fully furnished homes with furniture and appliances;

Payment is easy and automated;

Payment covers damage insurance.

The most important takeaway from this activity was learning how different websites organized their content and the overall layouts.


User research

I conducted qualitative information research and quantitative data research to better understand users' needs, behaviour and attitudes. I understood how users live their lives so that I can respond to their needs with informed design solution.

User Interviews

I conducted in-person interviews with targeted users to better understand under what circumstances they will trigger issues and how effective the existing solutions are. I also figured out why they use the competitors’ websites, what they look for, what they need, trying to learn and understand their user experience and pain points.

The qualitative information research helped me confirm invalid assumptions about users and their expectations regarding the website.

Qualitative information research

Firstly, I performed qualitative information research to give myself some direction. For example, I find out how often users have encountered difficulties performing different tasks. What are their current pain points, fears, and needs? I also figured out what motivates or demotivates them from using the competitors’ websites.

Quantitative data research

After qualitative information research, I performed Quantitative data research to learn user behavior.

Findings from interview

Most common reasons of moving out: higher studies, job relocation, decrease their commute and find a place near their office or college.

Most common roommates: living alone, friends, partners, family.

Most common expectations: budget-friendly, close-by to work/school, well-connected with modes of commute, amenities (parking, elevator, air-conditioning)

During interviews, I gathered qualitative data about their goals, needs, frustrations, and motivations. Here are the questions I asked during the interview.

What kinds of issues are you facing right now?

When interacting with renting websites, what are some of your most significant pain points or gripes?

How would you describe your typical experience with a renting website for a seamless experience?

What do you think can improve the overall journey and experience?

What apps have you used to search for rent?

Why did you consider choosing [x] app?

Why were you looking for a new place to live in?

What were your requirements from the house/place?

What were your requirements from the landlord/owner?

Share any unpleasant experiences you have faces in your previous accommodations



Financial Analyst

27 years old

New York


Jane has a great combination of art and tech, she can capture a great combination of art in photography and render it well with its techy skills. Photography passion didn’t allow her feet to stay in one place especially in weekends.

Goals & Needs

Little into and conversation with a co-living partner.

Surety about services.

A little bit of community building in the places.


Always hate the additional hidden extra cost after the contract is done.

There should be some standard to check the furnished quality.

Lack of details of co-ving before contract should be there.

Card sorting

worst experience




furniture quality

high commute cost

loud clubs nearby

dangerous area of town

loud neighbours

budget constraints

best experience

parks nearby

common pool

big kitchen

friendly landlord

quiet roommates

parking space

natural light

big storage

fixed rent price

User Journey map

Jane: Financial Analyst

Scenario: Jane has been offered an opportunity to advance in her career. However, this promotion requires her to relocate.


Jane knows moving is stressful. She is currently looking for a “good enough” place to stay but she still needs basic amenities.






Getting promoted

Searching for rent

Finding a place


Moving in

Celebrates promotion. Prepares to relocate to the new working place.

Goes through many ads, social media groups, websites etc.

Has a phone call with 3 preffered places.

Visits the place, signs the contract. Has to carry luggage around.

Carries luggage.

“I finally got what I worked so hard for, too bad I have to relocate”

“This is so frustrating and tiring. No place marks all my checkboxes”

“I’m worried it won’t look like in the pictures. I have place B and C as backup”

“I’m tired, I’m hungry, I just want to move in and get it over with”

“I’m too tired to clean up and put everything in place. I’ll take care of it tomorrow”

Show available locations based on work place.

Allow the agency to upload the poster on the app. Allow the user to preview it.

Provide reviews of previous attendands.

Provide transportation options.

Help carry up luggage at no extra cost.






Spending 1

Spending 2

Spending 3

Amenity 1

Amenity 2

Amenity 3








Competitor 1







Competition 2











Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.


Basic information about each benefit.






usability testing

The goals of usability testing vary by study, but they usually include:

Identifying problems in the design of the product or service;

Uncovering opportunities to improve;

Learning about the target user’s behavior and preferences.

I conducted a remote moderated usability tests which works very similarly to in-person test. I interacted with 2 participants (students) and asked them to perform tasks such as "rent a 2-bedroom apartment in New York City".


Common can be really helpful for the people who want to move, certain features like community and membership can really be one of the best selling points of the application.

I believe such applications can really bring a change in the user experience of daily services.


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